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Successful persons do not worry about completing a puzzle with all the pieces, rather they perceive life as a continuing quilt with endless opportunities.

One third of projects do not work out at some startups.

TRIZ is a problem-solving, analysis and forecasting tool derived from the study of patterns of invention in the global patent literature, written about in Creativity as an Exact Science written by Genrich Altshuller.

Creative process consists of : preparation, incubation, insight and manifestation.

Debate rather than brainstorming tends to increase creativity, perhaps because outsiders tend to increase creativity; urban areas and increased teamwork tend to increase creativity, especially regarding scientific papers and patents.

Creative persons tend to be bipolar; writers tend to be depressed.

REM sleep tends to increase creativity by 60 %.

New products can account for 30 % of profits.

The most connected persons tend to be the most successful, but companies tend to be less profitable when they hire too many persons.

San Jose, Ca has been the most innovative place in about 100 years partly due to increased density and lack of non-competition contracts in California, which tends to increase innovation.

Israel is innovative because it spend about 10 % of GDP on defense and because adult males must spend about a month in the military each year.

Entrepreneur's with weak social networks are three times more innovative than those with small social networks of strong connections.

Hierarchies of corporations tend to destroy them, whereas cities do not die partly due to weak constant connections of the population.

Immigrants invent patents at double the rate of nonimmigrants, so a 1 % increase in immigrants with college degrees leas to a 15 % increase in patents.

Between 2004 and 2009 patent-infringement lawsuits increased by 70 % while licensing-fee request rose by 650 %.

1,000 Americans created $10 trillion GDP over 25 years!

It can take less than a year to earn millions from a website.

Early adapters can be happy with a 80 % solution to their problems.

95 % of innovation involves mundane decisions.

Long product manufacturing cycles (Large batchs) reduce innovation or catching problems in the early stage.

Not retooling and/or starting with entirely new invention can dominate the market.

$1 earned per 1,000 page views is the usual rate.

Powerful economic and social benefits of cell phone technology are obvious in the developing world as reported by the European Union.

Fired persons create new businesses and an economy can strengthen without increasing jobs.

Invention prizes: X prize foundation, archon X prize, clay Mathematics Institute, %1.5 billion Advanced market commitment for Vaccine against pneumonia, meningitis, bronchitis by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Students get 33-50% of tech transfer fees earned!

The average patent lawsuit costs $1.5 million!

Entrepreneurial help can come from which recommends,, to help mentor a project.

ProFounder serves as a platform for entrepreneurs to help obtain capital.

Sell for a high price to improve image.

$90 US billion will be spent on new energy (renewable and efficiency) investment by 2025.

70 % of inventions are predicted to fail.

Decoupling and allowing for failure thru redundancy reduces disasters.

Techshop Menlo Park is workshop space for inventors that has equipment and supplies. Library tool project for tool rentals. Collaborative Consumption reduces idling capacity for little used products. Yipit is local search engine good for finding rentals, sharedEarth good for garden rentals; Zipcar and Streetcar are self-serve car rental services; Bag Borrow and Steal, SolarCity, DeminTherapy; OurGoods, ITEX, Superfluid Barterbrokers, Tradebank, NuBarter, Bartercard are a $10 Billion industry; Zopa in Eupore and the Lending Club in the USA are peer-to-peer lending marketplaces; WeCommune Inc. is a for profit venture;, and are for travelers who want a neutral broker. 78 % of consumers trust peer recommendation, by only 14 % trust advertisers! Nikeplus show that cultural commons or collaborative communities drive profits (about 40% increase in sales) rather than traditional advertising, so Nike is now spending 55 % less on traditional advertising!

Entrepreneurship, creating a new venture, is usually done through the innovation and better organization of resources.

Leverage and positioning are often the most important aspects of a new venture.

Innovative entrepreneurs often do not have competitors.

Time savings is often the most unrecognized need that Entrepreneurs fill.

The untrained (think unbrainwashed or uncredentialed) and original thinker tends to see problem-solving in an unique way.

Expertise of the unbrainwashed or uncredentialed can be the hallmark of an Entrepreneur.

A better work ethic or better ethics can put the Entrepreneur at the right place at the right time to solve large problems.

Founder and major shareholder may get the most respect in a community (this is a reason why Entrepreneurs tend to NOT function well in traditional settings) because industry tends to operate on a higher standard than academia.

Entrepreneurs are often NOT experts, but can exceed the standards of experts, who often have passed on knowledge of an environment learned from generations of experience.

Understanding of an environment, community, system and/or the ability to explain, make, find things of value often even simple improvements can lead to a business.

Special skills can lead to Entrepreneurship.

Right time and place or using underutilized assets or infrastructure can help create a new business model.

Creating new infrastructure that can create better use of resources might be the path to Entrepreneurship.

Any time saving or energy saving device, system, or convenience item may lead to a successful new business.

An observed new trend that is scalable may be a big business success.

Good ethics and good ideas tend to attract talent, resources and the attention of even the most demanding communities.

Often better organization of data bases are used or created by an Entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurs often solve a major problem using mostly intellectual property, inexpensive or public resources.

Friedrich August von Hayek and Ayn Rand who may have believed that the market place driven by inventions and innovation usually created by Entrepreneurs are more powerful than John Maynard Keynes theories about government intervention and stimulus, sometimes achieved by large scale government funded projects.

Three Types of Happiness exist: Pleasure, Passion, and Higher Purpose.

To become more self-motivated, Daniel Pink thinks, you must immerse yourself in a sea of autonomy, mastery, and purpose, which motivates persons working in creative jobs rather than monetary incentives!

Grasping and aversion may account for 90 % of suffering (it takes 3 positive experiences to overcome a negative experience) .

David Rock believes five domains of social experience exist: Status, Certainty, Automony, Relatedness and Fairness.

Daniel Goleman claims the competencies associated with self-awareness are: Emotional self awareness: recognizing your emotions and the impact they have on your life; Accurate self-assessment: identifying your strengths and limitations; and Self-confidence: knowing yourself worth and capabilities.

Team building is prevented by absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability and inattention to results according to Patrick Lencioni.

Entrepeneurs must be experts.