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The following content is considered nonlegal and nonbinding OPINION only, and does not legally assume any entity is responsible for the accuracy of any facts that may seem to be presented by any entity. Rather this is meant to be a starting point of research into the facts or truth. The standard of the reasonable person should be assumed with regard to any possible research into the facts or truth!

Rude, Insulting, Impolite Behavior

Rudeness is almost always noticed by examining the intent of persons over time, so sometimes shallow good manners have little value, such as using the please and thank you words, rather actions speak louder than words, and giving needed help, or great gifts tends to be more memorable than just a few kind words.

Often watching obstructive behavior, especially watching persons block traffic, including exits suggests rudeness.

It is rude to not help someone else when it would be easy to do so.

Prejudice is rude, but common.

Persons of means tend to be rude, but persons without means tend to need to be polite.

Outsiders to a community tend to be polite, especially tourists.

Imposing on persons tends to be rude, especially during their vacations and other special events.

Attention seeking behavior often violating the privacy of others and NOT trusting others and other breaches of freedom tends to be rude.

Intentionally harming an innocent person or life form is rude.

Rudeness is almost always noticed by examining the intent of persons over time, so sometimes shallow good manners have little value, such as using the please and thank you words, rather actions speak louder than words, and giving needed help, or great gifts tends to be more memorable than just a few kind words.

Often watching obstructive behavior, especially watching persons block traffic, including exits suggests rudeness.

Asking for direction while in a car from a perso n in a cross walk, unsafe location, or when a person is holding bags, walking or in bad weather, rather than going to the library or some government official to get directions or standing in any line.

Educating community outsiders about how to be polite or community is often kind, NOT RUDE.

Even children and animals can be taught better manners.

Highly successful and socialized persons, often not from a rural area, tend to be sucessful due to lack of prejudice, knowledge of many community standards, tend to have great manners, and insights about how to show kindness and respect to others and other have the most thoughtful gifts for the community, their friends and family.

Violated trust, boundaries, peace, privacy, and/or safety are often done by rude people.

Rude people are prone to brainwashing and a false belief system.

Incompetent and rude people tend to waste time, money, and other resources.

Degrading, dehumanizing, unfair or unequal behavior are common behaviors of rude persons.

The rude tend to interrupt conversations and disrupt activities.

Destructive behavior is common among rude people.

Obstructive behavior is a hallmark of rude people.

Commission and omissions are common among rude persons.

Rude persons often demand attention, such as legal, medical, and to get free food, housing, and other resources.

Interference with deals, activities and resources are indicators of rude behavior.

Rude persons will usually ultimately limit the freedom of the victim, sometimes by destroying their investment in any entity or intangible interest or property.

Persons with great manners tend to be very successful partly due to great insight about the needs of others and tend to not fight with others in a city where many different persons interact and do business. They tend to give presents that persons would NOT BE ABLE TO OBTAIN WITHOUT THE HELP OF THE GIFTGIVER! Unfair labeling results often in the theory: Once labeled, it is a self-fulfilling prophesy. Therefore, shallow labels can be very rude, and can result in quality talent leaving a region.

Rude people are usually only successful in the shortrun. They tend to cheapen themselves and others partly because they have a problem with their priorities. The misuse time and other resources and often none of their relationships and things are in good repair or last long. Look for scars, bruises and other marks on them. This is usually a clue to their lack of respect for themselves and others. Outsiders can become insiders, overcome a taboo, or get a second chance.